Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dress-Up Time

Yes, this is our middle son working undercover so the sheep don't recognize him when he comes to give them their wormer. Actually, he found these glasses and Cameron correctly identified them as 3-D glass only not the kind most of us are used to. They can only be used in selected theaters and with selected movies. You have to be very "selective" to wear them as you can tell is the case with Walker.

As a little girl I remember sitting in the bathroom watching different men shave: my dad, my grandfather, my uncle. Here's Cameron with that look. She's watching Walker trim his beard and is ready and able in case he needs help.

Cameron and Jake on KP duty, peeling, coring and slicing apples for the apple crisp.

Once every few weeks Cameron convinces Walker of the merrits of going out on a date - just the two of them. Usually Walker does good to change his shirt while Cameron beautifully holds up her end of the dressing-up thing. Tonight Jake was here and we sat around with him for 45 minutes while Cameron was getting ready. When she came down looking stunning, Jake and I insisted on taking Walker upstairs for a makeover. We didn't have much to work with (as in clothes - not the man)but we were proud of our accomplishments. It was nothing short of Cinderfella.
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