Friday, April 23, 2010

My Three Sons

My oldest son, Erik, won't let me blog the photo he sent of himself after having worked out for months, training for the fire dept. physical. Too bad. He's buff. Below are Jake (left) and Walker (right), both of whom also have something for mom to blog about. Jake recently won awards for both Men's Soccer Student Athelete of the year and overall UNCA Men's Sports Student Athelete of the year, meaning he had the highest GPA of all the male atheletes in the school. Walker's claim to fame is that the Obamas, who are in town this weekend (at this very moment) are dining on Hickory Nut Gap Meat during their stay here. The Grove Park Inn, where they're staying, ordered it for the President and Michelle. As it turns out, Barak has a love for bacon as well as great steaks. Perhaps one of the pigs below was served for breakfast this morning after being taste-tested by the Secret Service. Lucky guy!

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pretty Boy Toad

Austin & Pretty Boy
Jake & Pretty Boy
Mark & Pretty Boy
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Paradise - Sandy Beach

Paradise - now renamed Sandy Beach. Clarke's private property. The water is frigid but the sand is warm.
A view from Sandy Beach to the cascade of waterfalls. We climb the boulders up and up to the top waterfall that falls into a little pond that's been hollowed out of rock. You can sunbath up there then swim across the 'pond' to the top-most waterfall.
Another view up towards the top waterfall.
The water is clear and the sand, just right for 'beach' play.
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Breakfast and Views

Mark & breakfast cake.
Another breakfast creation.
Crossing the river to get to Paradise.
Pinacle overlooking Paradise. You don't want to look down from here or misstep to the right or left.
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Three Amigos Go To Tuckaseegee

For the first time, Jake, Mark and Austin had Tuckaseegee to themselves. Usually, we go up in larger groups and you have to be with a Clarke family member to go. Mark, being an adult now, is officially a Clarke so they spent the weekend hiking, cooking, playing music, skinny-dipping in the icy creek before breakfast (those photos were quietly deleted by Jake)
The Clubhouse:
Jake's heel.
Mark tending the fire.
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