Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Visiting Martha

Gabriel and I visit Miss Martha every Tuesday. Usually we water her plants and it's Martha's ritual to offer Gabriel a little, pack of cereal, the kind you cut through the box on the dotted line and pour the milk right into the box. She's also known as "The Mint Lady" and he gets his share of mints there as well. Martha was in an auto accident over six months ago and we're so glad she's finally fully recovered. Today, at Gabe's mom's request, we brought fresh sliced peaches and vanilla ice cream and shared them with her for lunch. Martha's not keen on eating veggies so this 'dessert for lunch' idea pleased her to no end. Soon to come: Walker's new abode, Jake's new digs and Cameron moves into Jake & Walker's old room this weekend. Also soon to come: Rain - Glorious Rain!!!!! Just when plants were dying right and left, pastures were down to dirt and neighbors had lost their springs, along comes Fay's feeder bands. Everything is perked up and oh, so happy. And that's all the news from Fairview, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and the children are above average.

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