Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Locks-Of-Love Haircut

As most of you know, Jake's been growing his hair out for some time now so he can give it to an organization - Locks-of-Love - that makes wigs for children who lose their hair due to chemo. This first photo is of him and Mark enjoying some homemade cookies just before the drastic change.
If you're going to do something this big, you make the most of it and Jake decided to have me cut half his hair and leave the other half for this photo-op. From one side he was the old Jake and from the other - Baldie.
After I made a million little bundles of hair and clipped them close to the scalp with scizzors, friend Mark got to use the buzzer to make it all uniform.
Later we celebrated with blueberry buckle at Mark's house before driving Jake back to campus to face his friends. The cute girl and great athelete in this photo is Mark's sister, Lily, whom I got the priviledge of seeing be born.
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