Monday, July 21, 2008

A Snake in the Chicken House

I reached in to collect the usual three eggs this afternoon but someone had beat me to it. Here's a black snake trying to get his head around his second egg. I deftly took the third egg out of the other nest thinking he was sufficiently preoccupied. Over a period of 20 minutes, I took a series of photos as he tried to stretch his mouth around his dinner. Eventually, he got tired of the size of the egg or of my camera's up close beeps and flashes (or both) and he backed off the egg to look me square in the eyes and hiss for the last photo. I'm headed back out there to see if he's moved on or if he's giving it another go-round. He probably felt fairly vulnerable with me in his face and his face on that egg. I wish Walker was here to take him away. Someone has to or he'll come back as a regular at the Henhouse Diner.



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