Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Goats on Easter

This Easter was off the charts as far as the beauty that surrounded us goes. Whatever way you looked, there were spring flowers. Then, as I was working in the garden I heard a goat noise that sounded suspect. I'd already talked to the owners who tipped us off that a birth should happen that day. Upon investigation, I found the mama goat in the process of giving birth. Though she is the shyest of the bunch, she let me sit down next to her and "help". Soon, a second kid was coming. I'd called the owners and my family and soon there was an audience, a very quiet audience, sitting in the dirt under multiflora rose and watching this first-time-mother give birth again. Once the main drama was over, Sydney and Mike moved her to the protection of the shed.There was one male (named Calvin) and one female (named Chloe). Today when I went to show Gabriel, we found the mother had gone out of the shed to eat and the gradnmother goat was kid-sitting.  
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