Saturday, February 28, 2009

Second Ice Skaing

Technicians note: We're sorry for the technical difficulties on the last two posts. They came from a camera phone. We are dilligently working to make the images appear) I thought I posted the following 2nd Skating photos but perhaps I just emailed them. We hadn't had ice skating in Fairview for at least five years and this year we got TWO different sessions. This one is on the pond belonging to Steve Norris and Kendall Hale of Fairview. It was a quick, early morning skate because the day was warming up. By the time this one was taken, the school-age kids and their parents had left since school had a delayed start due to some snow still on the ground. Here you have one under twelve player, a teens player (Jake), and twenty and thirty-somethings, all hard-core skaters. Jake is in the green shirt(he borrowed his roomate's car and zoomed over from campus)and Walker is in the purple shirt and is sport a top-knot hairdo. His boss is in the yellow so no worries about being late to work.  
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