Another weekend baking endeavor was my first time making this awesome bread my friend Rebecca's been making. It's NO KNEAD! It comes out like the expensive artisan bread you see in health food stores. With a little flour, salt, water and a quarter teaspoon of yeast who can believe you can create this? The site to go to for this is Breadtopia - there's a lot on there but scroll down and look for "no-knead bread". There are two videos to show you what to do. I don't have a clay cloche so I used my cast iron dutch oven but my friend has tried it in a regular bread pan and it seemed to come out just fine.
Here's what Franklin worked on today - the grout between the tiles in the rental/grandma house where the woodstove is going to go. Soon he'll clear out the tools, cardboard, and scraps and such and we'll send some pictures of what it really looks like.
A shot of the bathroom sink.
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