This past Saturday UNCA Men's Soccer played Winthrop at home and we beat them 1-0. After the game we were surprised to see Edwin had been sitting on the bench cheering the guys on. You might remember Edwin (Watortsi) is the defensive player whose spleen and pancreas ruptured early in the season when he collided with the goalie on the other team. He was in the hospital here for a few weeks and we even had the privilege of having his mother and sister stay with us while they were in town. Here he is looking much better though he still has a drain in his side that he says should come out any day. He's wearing the scarf that Franklin's mom, Nancy made him. She added one thread of orange to the fringe in remembrance of the fact that Edwin attended Clemson for a year. (Jake's scarf has a red thread symbolizing the HFC team he'd played on). I thought you'd like to see that he's doing better and dreams of playing again next fall. In fact, he's hinting that he wants to practice with the team in the spring. His girlfriend says, "We'll see." Thanks to all who prayed for him.

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