Yesterday was a full fall day. It started with Franklin, Walker, Jake and friend Mark (who is home on break from Chapel Hill) helping us do a wood shuffle. The wood we have stored in a shed is too long for our stove and the wood Walker has stored is shorter so we swapped. The guys took two loads of ours to Walker's porch and two loads of his to ours and stacked it. In one of the photos they're trying to overload Mark with wood which is why everyone is laughing - except Mark. I have no photos of another manly thing they did which is to turn a normal ping pong game into a game of risk and pain. You place you paddle in the middle and on the edge of the table with the handle hanging off. Players take turns bouncing the ball over the net in hopes it hits the other player's paddle. A hit on the face is worth one - a hit on the handle is worth two. Not one or two points mind you - one or two HITS. The player who lost takes his shirt off and turns his back while the other player tries to hit the ball at warp speed into his back. We're talking college-age guys here so they have welts to show for it. Sorry, no photos of their version of ping pong - yet.
Sightings around the Homestead
14 years ago
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