Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Little Sister Turns 50

Recently I traveled to Florida to celebrate my sister, Annie's, Big 5-0. She has daughters and one in particular, Melissa, made sure we celebrated in style. She's a nurse at a local hospital and every day she brought a new armful of LARGE, helium balloons, not to mention the table and wall decorations. My sister had no chance of letting the day (or the week) slip by quietly. I'll post more when I get my camera disk back which I left in her computer. This first photo is of the three of us, from L-R: Annie, Kelly (our brother), and myself.

Much older and 'wiser', Annie is in the middle.

Annie's second and third children were fraternal twins. On this visit, I decided to use pillows to commiserate with her.

Annie and family are posing in a tent she bought JUST so my guys would have a fun place to stay when we all crashed her house some years ago. Annie's on the right, my mom is on the left. Husband Tom is with Annie and the 'kids' are Kyle and Katie (twins) and Melissa (first daughter). More to come. Promise.
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