To give us energy for the hike, Cameron started last night and finished this morning, making sticky buns/ cinnamon pecan rolls. She even claims they're somewhat healthy so on her word, we dug in. Here she is posing with Hannah, our guest for the weekend. Hannah graduated from UNC and now works in Chapel Hill.
Today, Walker, Cameron, Hannah, Tim and I took a hike to Maycherry. You can see almost 360 from the top knoll. You can hike there from our house without getting into a car but we did drive up part of the way. It was the perfect cool-clear-blue-sky-sweater-weather day. Here's Hannah, Tim and Walker sitting on the long picnic bench that's been there forever.
Eighteen or so years ago a large group in our community came up here for a picnic supper. Some rode horse, some walked and a few drove. I remember one friend was very pregnant and we thought the bumpy road would encourage the baby to come on. As I told my fellow hikers today, I remember standing on top of the knoll with most of the others and watching Doug Clarke hold back his Arabian mare, Annie Mae, until the other riders were all at the picnic area. Then he let her loose and flew down the road below us and pulled her to a stop at the top. We spontaneously sang after supper and the view then was as breathtaking as it was today.
Our community calls it Maycherry Orchard (others call it just the side of Little Pisgah). They say Maycherry Orchard is on the other side of the mountain. But today we saw several apple trees that looked like this one. It was like seeing a carpet of red and yellow flowers under each tree. I'm curious to find out if these are old or wild varieties. Next year, we said we should come earlier and harvest them before they drop.