Sunday, September 21, 2008

Floored Truck

Two paintings by two different artists hanging in two different houses in the 'development' in the pasture across the street. The first painting doesn't have a name but the second is called "Tyrone is Home" and incorporates the cabin on the hill behind our house into the background.

The truck's official name is "Chester" and it came by it's colorful personality via Jake, Mark and Austin with help from cousins, girl-friends, Walker and whoever else. This is actually Chester's second wardrobe and it's been fashioned over time and sports the artist's pen names: Jerome, Tyrone and I can't remember the third one. The FORD lettering on the tailgate was changed to FLOORED by a talented artist and I was once asked if it was a truck owned by Mexicans. Franklin bought "Chester" about a hundred years ago for $1,000 and I didn't think it would last but here it is, still kickin' though untagged with us having spent probably $1.37 in parts over the years. It's hauled firewood, animals, hay, building supplies, kids, bikes, kayaks and is now a rolling toolshed. These two paintings have inspired me to try my hand at painting the old man.
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