These first two are of the new kitchen addition. This view is from the road side and the large opening will be the front door to the house. The window next to it has a beautiful westward view.

We should be able to get to the interior sheetrocking Monday, June 30th. This is a veiw from the upper pasture looking down on the house. I guess we can call it a 'house' now instead of 'the barn'. That big opening is for a great picture window over the sink.

This view is from the inside looking towards the new kitchen addition. What used to be the front door and front wall of the barn was removed and is an opening into the new kitchen.

Here's Franklin working on the shower/tub plumbing. He did all the electrical and plumbing himself !! (Shhh) If it weren't for his talents, we could never afford this remodeling job. He keeps the big picture in his head and is truly a Jack-of-all-Trades. It is a huge regret of ours that the boys are not here helping because the things they'd learn are invaluable. Walker can't leave Tuckaseegee much and Jake is whooping it up in the Bahamas.
PS: I saw the mama bird today so all is well with the eggs and we finally got rain. Not a great deal but enough to mention.
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