Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The real thing.

The 33 year old who got breakfast in bed from mommy.

and canine turkey........sporting the new dog coat I made
from a Goodwill vest.

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Let it Snow.....

Molly's goats across our road.

Ace, the poser.
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Twas the Day After Christmas 2010

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Snowing ON Christmas 2010

Hawthorn tree bling

How dare you. Why, sweat pants go with everything.

Preventative measures 101: Park your vehicle at the
bottom of the hill. What's facinating about this is that we
were parked there first and I put our windshield wipers
up so they wouldn't get stuck to the winshield. I'd never
seen anyone else do this but thought it a good idea. Before
the day was out, all the cars had their wipers that way and
I thought: how hilarious - a bunch of northerners copying
an ex-floridian when it come to snow protocal.
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