Monday, July 12, 2010

Franklin Cloggs & Jake Dances

This was at a grand opening for a local ec0-village. Franklin cloggs

towards the end and after that, there's a brief shot of Jake (in a newsboy

hat) dancing.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Close Ups

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Thursday Worknight

Zoe. by: Jake

Mallika & Tucker. by: Jake

Lily picking beans while little Lily plays
with her hair. Friend Claire in the back-
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Garden Beauties


Echinacea. Purple coneflower. Medicinal.

Cosmos. Has become a weed but a beautiful one.

Calendula. Annual. Reliable. Gorgeous.
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Garden Personalities

Kelley - our all-season intern. She's also
a rock climber/ boulderer so she comes
with all the muscles needed for digging
beds. She's also a yoga instructor who may
teach some of what she knows.

Mallika. She was with us for ten days last
year and returned for the summer in 2010.
She's always so smiley and fun and cheerful
and she's going to teach us all to hula hoop

Yesterday and today were chicken-killing
day where Walker works and since Walker's
the farm manager, Franklin gets first
pick of the chicken hearts. He skewers,
marinates and grills them. He, Walker and
Jake LOVE them. The rest of us politely

Here, Franklin does some of his magic. He's spent days upon
days working on The Lord's Acre's water system. Here he's
bringing drip irrigation to our field crops.
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What's Up at the Garden

We've been harvesting potatoes for weeks. They look grand
in the purple baskets and taste like nothing you can get in
a store! These are Red Pontiacs.

Here, Steve Norris, board member, harvests

Blue skies. Hot days. No rain.

Last week, I looked for nail polish "the color of dirt". I came
pretty close, dont' ya think?

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Danger in the Chicken House

Oh my gosh, Vern. Have you seen what's happened to
Irene? Poor thing.

It's been years since they've seen a king snake around here.
I hear they eat copperheads but I guess Irene was in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm sure to have nightmares tonight, Erma. I hope he gets
indigestion from her. Let's sleep on the top rung tonight, hey?
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Summer @ The Sides'

Mallika (garden intern) cuts Walker's hair. The exceptional
heat we've had gave him all the encouragement he needed.

Jake made up a family/community version of scrabble where
we took turns making words whenever we felt like it. We did
keep score, though. The rules were you couldn't go twice in
a row so as soon as someone went they were urging someone
else to take a turn so they could go again. This was a great source
of entertainment for over a week until we used all the letters.

Outta the way!!! The imposing front of one of the farm vehicles Walker

Jake's new wheels. Mom's new worry.
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