Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sara Visits - Sara Bakes - Sara Studies

Cameron found this incredible cake called Mom's Apple Cake and the guys here at home were due one so Sara took it on and as you can see, it didn't last long.  
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big South Honor Roll

The Big South Men's Soccer conference recently named those male soccer players who made the recent honor roll and Jake was among them. I guess you can look up "Big South Men's Soccer Honor Roll" and you'll find something. Picassa won't let me copy and paste the article or I would. Thanks to all of you who support and have supported Jake in his life, atheletically, spiritually, academically and otherwise.
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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Quantity & Quality

One of our hens is working overtime. The egg on the left is a normal, store-bought X-large size egg. The middle egg is typical of our hens and the one to the riht is surely a double-yolker.
Paul just keeps bringing home the blueberries. Here's how he washes, cleans and dries them on the counter. If he leaves them there too long we lighten his load for him.
Green thumb, and fingers after working in the tomatoes.
The Lord's Acre Garden - August Bounty.
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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ben Franklin & Boredom

From a post in the NY Times on Ben Franklin by Maira Kalman called "Can Do." Here's a quick excerpt:

"I don't think he was ever bored. He saw a dirty street and created a sanitation department. He saw a house on fire and created a fire department. He saw sick people and founded a hospital. He started our first lending library. He saw people needing an education and founded a university. He started the American Philosophical Society where men and women shared developments in science. And then, by the way, he helped create and run the country. He was a signer of both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."

Commentary below is not mine:

I love this for the opening line - "I don't think he was ever bored." Boredom is a decision we make, not something happens to us. There really is no excuse for being bored. The "bored" of the world are those who believe it is the job of others to make them happy and keep them entertained. But as far as I am concerned "boredom" is simply laziness in all its forms and is simply driven by the decision to not pay attention.

I am not an inventor as Franklin was and I don't think you have to be to escape boredom. But you can be a learner. A learner is never bored, an inquisitive person who pays attention to the world and people around him can always find something to engage his attention.

The experience of "boredom" says far more about the one claiming to be bored than about the speaker, the event or whatever the alleged cause of the boredom.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Jessie & Adam's Wedding Celebration

We had the joy of watching Jessie Stone grow up in the next house down our road. She has become such a beautiful woman and now works teaching at a reservation school in Arizona. She and Adam were going to get married here in Fairview on July 4th but later decided to save everyone money in this economy and get married in Arizona while her parents were out there visiting. So on July 4th, they came here and we had a Fairview celebration. First photo is of Jessie and Adam and her family (Pat & Becky and siblings, Tucker, Sammy and Nate)
Here they serve communion after their blessing ceremony in the woods. It was a beautiful celebration of what blessing really means.
Jake and girlfriend Sara, take their turn at the Virginia Reel.
Square Dancing Fairview style. Franklin did much of the calling.
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All You Guys Ever Do Is Eat !!!

Well, many of our photos seem to support that idea. Here a group one Sunday for brunch. Paul usually makes two monster bowls of fruit salad and french toast. Below, Sara helps with the French toast while Walker supervises.
Don't let it be said Paul only does brunch. Here he marinades steaks. He bought the loin in S.C., brought it here and cut it up for filet minon.
Jake and Austin got a wild hair one night and made this (now famous) mocha roll cake. There were seventeen of us so each person got one calorie-laden sliver.
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Toothless Smile

Holly shows off her smile sans two front teeth.
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Food for All

This guy hung around all morning knowing we were suckers for throwing him handouts. He got all the fish too small to fry.  
Crabs performing before dinner.
Lining up to partake.
Walker, hammer, crabs. Need we say more?
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More Casting Bounty

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Crabs Bite Back

A blue crab held safely.  
Learning that blue crabs can actually reach UNDERNEATH themselves and pinch the heck out of you where they shouldn't be able to reach.
Net casting is a lot safer.
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Beauties and the Beasts

Here the pretty ladies in purple float off the dock after watching the sunset. They'd just finished eating out at Hudsons seafood by the water.
Walker gives a close-up to the multitude of tiny crabs that were everywhere. All they wanted to do, though, was rest in the shade you cast on the sand.
Franklin tries his hand at fishing.
And Cameron at catching shrimp.
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Blogging On Holly

Okay. Here she is. The queen of the Sides family - Holly. The only girl grandaughter (the guys accuse us all of treating them like chopped liver once she was born). She's seven, has the personality of a sweet elf and comes complete with a British accent. Who can resist her? Here she's sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for Aunt Susan to pull her tooth. I felt honored she finally chose me after changing her mind for several hours but daddy Worth couldn't abide it so he told her he was going to get a string and it would be done in a jiffy. As you can see, she quickly lost interest in the idea once it got closer and closer to happening.
Second only to swimming in the pool, she loved waking up those who weren't up before her.
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Hilton Head Feast

We recently went to Hilton Head, SC to see Franklin's brother, his wife and their little daughter, Holly. Walker & Cameron threw the net and provided us with these crabs, the shrimp and the sheepshead.
Cameron made her family favorite - squash casserole, from squash from our garden. It was a mountain to sea feast.
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