Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Silly Sides & Friends

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We're serious. 
Now we're not.
Girls jumping. (Oh, I love girl energy.)
Father & Son. Walker is wearing Amish Gohn Brother pants that Franklin always wore when I met him.
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Fun With 20-Somethings

Banana octopi holding hands.  
Hannah & Natalie - our visitors for Easter. Natalie found out she was accepted to grad school while she was here. Yipee.
Walker's new gal.
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Okay - Two More

View from the front and from the plow.  
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Belle & The Boys

Susan tried for half a furrow to drive Belle while Franklin plowed but that old girl, Belle - not Susan, was NOT a slow walker. Susan was relieved to see Walker coming up the hill and he graciously took over, having never plowed before. With a well-trained and slow-paced horse, Franlin can even drive and steer the plow at the same time but as I said, Belle had other ideas. She wanted to get it over with and get on to the lush grass in our pasture. We're borrowing her and her best equine friend as lawnmowers for a few days. Eventually, with much sweat and strain, Belle settled in a bit and Walker got the hang of it and we got the upper garden plowed.  
Walker was in a backpack the last time he helped Franklin plow. I think he was a little over one years old.
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Natalie & Hannah Outsmart the Easter Bunny

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Franklin Lives to Plow Again

In the middle of the goat drama, Franklin comes up the road with Belle, a draft horse that belongs to Annie Ager. Belle used to be part of a team at nearby Warren Wilson Collge and though old and arthritic, she can still shake a leg.  
Natalie with Belle.
Franklin was born to plow.
Franklin and I use Belle to open up the ditches on the road to warm her up before tackling the upper garden.
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Goat Kids - The Sequel

Looking for milk in all the wrong places. Here, Natalie who'd come to visit us from Chapel Hill, tells Calvin he'll have to look elsewhere.
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Baby Goats on Easter

This Easter was off the charts as far as the beauty that surrounded us goes. Whatever way you looked, there were spring flowers. Then, as I was working in the garden I heard a goat noise that sounded suspect. I'd already talked to the owners who tipped us off that a birth should happen that day. Upon investigation, I found the mama goat in the process of giving birth. Though she is the shyest of the bunch, she let me sit down next to her and "help". Soon, a second kid was coming. I'd called the owners and my family and soon there was an audience, a very quiet audience, sitting in the dirt under multiflora rose and watching this first-time-mother give birth again. Once the main drama was over, Sydney and Mike moved her to the protection of the shed.There was one male (named Calvin) and one female (named Chloe). Today when I went to show Gabriel, we found the mother had gone out of the shed to eat and the gradnmother goat was kid-sitting.  
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Saturday, April 11, 2009

The REAL Story

So, Cameron, always ready with an "ice breaker" showed us something called "jowling". Guess she hangs out with Walker too much - the pigs are pastured next to his house these days. It seems that first, you massage your cheeks, then shake your head vigorously left to right to loosen the flesh on your face, particularly the "jowels". Then someone who refuses to participates, snaps some photos. And you thought you had to be at a frat party to be caught in this type of wickedly, candid pose. Here they are after the "loosening of the jowels"
Guess they were warming up their jaws for the banana pudding.
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Girls on Drugs

The Girls.
The bananna pudding (via Paula Deen)
The girls (and Walker) on banana pudding.
It's not a pretty sight.
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Hillybilly Gun Cleaning

Here you see us with our "hair down" so to speak. Cameron bought Walker this red union suit at Goodwill today and he not only modeled it but wan't take it off, even to clean his gun.  
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