When Cameron returned from Christmas in Greensboro with her family, we had a second Christmas with her. Here she's opening Jake's gift - a deck of cards with hologram-type sharks on one side. Now that may not seem funny to you but we have a private joke around here concerning Cameron and sharks. It seems theres a short clip on the internet where a toothy shark is swimming towards the camera while laughing like Goofy. She's almost immune to it now but it has the potential to send her into short-of-breath laughing fits. While using the playing cards, the sharks look like they're swimming, biting, jumping and the joker is a shark eating a swimmer. Sides humor. What can I say.
Here Cameron opens Walker's gift - a tree trunk cut across the grain to reveal a heart shape. He found it this summer at Tuckaseegee and cut and bleached it for her. When she opened it she said, "Oh, it's a "C" for Cameron." Walker replied, "And it's also a heart!!!"
We celebrated Walker's 22nd birthday on January 12th with the family he works for on Hickory Nut Gap Farm. Jamie and Amy Ager are the owners and their boys, Cyrus (4) and Nolin (1 1/2) came to help us down chicken-n-dumplings, 8-layer cake, blackberry pie, pumpkin pie and apple gallette.
Walker shares an after-dinner romp with Nolin who has a set "camera face" and THIS is it.