Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Spring Garden 2008

The three-egg-a-day hens. Can't beat those Rhode Island Reds.


Hens & chicks of a different kind. It's been a relatively wet and cool spring which makes all spring-things happy, including the gardener.
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Chickens Thumb Their Beaks at Ace

A few minutes ago, I was out checking the chicken pen when I saw the girls running crazily around fighting each other for some huge night crawler. Awfully big worm. Fit for the Guinness Book of World Records. Then I saw that it wasn't a worm but a ring neck snake almost a foot long and as wide as a pencil. I love ring necks - the ONLY snake I love, and got into the pen to get it out of their beaks. It took a bit of wrestling and at one point I thought it was dead but it was only playing possum. As it started heading for the door, I held the girls back and helped it along. They get enough kitchen scraps that I don't feel they're a bit deprived. Ace (the Airedale) has always been the snake-killer around here and truth be known, his prey are a bit lengthier and more venomous - copperheads, mostly. But he has to hand it to the chickens, if it wiggles, those girls are going for it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Jake's graduation photos

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This is one of Jake's '08 graduation photos. He originally balked at the idea but finding the bow tie helped him get into it. He even began hamming it up by the time the photo shoot was winding down. It's on to UNCA to play soccer and room with Kai.